I had to tell everyone about the latest member of our family - his name is Dylan, and he's nearly 6 months old, and he's coming to live with us next friday, the 14th.
It's been a couple of years since our last cat died, and it's taken us all this time to get over her, and to decide whether to have another one or not - but I fell in love with Dylan when my daughter showed me his photo and, as he belonged to her best friend, who also has his two brothers and mum, I have been allowed to adopt him - Yay! lol
I have spent the last couple of days drooling over cat-stuff - from bedding to toys, and even litter trays! My daughter says I've got it bad, and I have to agree with her (grin)
Because I spend so much time bed-bound, it's going to be fantasic to have my own little companion while my husband is out with the dogs and, as they were brought up with our Thomasina letting them know who's boss, it won't take long for Dylan to be ruling the roost either!
I decided on Dylan as a name, as the poor wee thing had been called Meg - with his previous owners not realising he was a boy - and Dylan has a lot of associations for us. I had really wanted to call him Greebo, after Terry Pratchett's cat from the Discworld series but, on seeing him, Dylan is much more suitable. (smile)
By-the-by, I finished off last month with a word total for my Nano book, of over 60,000 words!
I started this month, having signed on for the National Novel Finishing Month, doing quite well, but have unfortunately hit a slump with my health, and frequent dizzy spells are making it impossible for me to do much writing - so I don't know whether I will actually get to finish the novel - but I will keep on trying! lol
Talk to you again soon, as I give you an update on Dylan and my novel!