It's not much but, despite my depression at how things have turned out, when I got an email from the O.U. telling me that the forms will be coming soon for me to confirm my place in the A215 course, a feeling of hope sprang forth in me. A conversation with my daughter the other day, where she was talking about joining me on the course, made me feel that, at last, there was light at the end of the tunnel - and then I had a couple of lovely comments from a fellow writer, and it made me feel that - yes - I will be able to do the course in October! So this set-back I've had is just that - a minor set-back, that can be pushed aside, and left to a part of the experience of being disabled, but with a determination to reach that goal of a BA! I've just got to get myself a bit better health-wise before I start - and do what I've been advised to do - get writing!
Well, for the first time since starting the OU, I've had to phone up and cancel a course once I've started it!It took me a lot of heart-searching before I came to the conclusion that I wasn't giving the course the attention it needed, and deserved, and so I had to do the only thing that was right - both for my own health and peace of mind, and for the sake of the other OU students who were not getting the cooperation necessary from me, as part of a tutor group.I have to confess that it's made me very depressed that I couldn't cope with this one, as I had been so looking forward to working on a couple of Shakespeare plays but, by the time the course had started, my health had taken a turn for the bad, and I couldn't make head 'nor tails of the work I needed to do - which is one of the problems with having Fibromyalgia, as it causes memory problems, let alone the constant pain, and lack of mobility. GrrrrrrrrI'm really hoping that the weather improves soon, as it will then give me some relief from the pain - and I'm praying that I'll be improved enough by October to start the Creative Writing course I've been hoping to do - ah well, it looks like I've got to learn a lot more patience!