I've now got to the stage where I'm still not quite well enough to take on a course, but am starting to go stir-crazy! It doesn't help that I missed out on doing a Script-Frenzy, by the Nanowrimo people - I only became aware that it was going on when I lurked in the A215 and A363 course forums recently at the O.U., and read that half the students there were doing it.
I had known it was coming up but, with being ill, I hadn't realised that it was so soon, and so missed out! Ah well, there's always next year!
Talking of next year, I've already decided that I'm either going to do the A363: Advanced Creative Writing course, or I might go mad and risk doing the very first U300: Children's Literature course, which starts October 2009 - I guess it'll depend how I get on with A215 as, if I do well, it'll probably be better for me to continue on with the same thing, rather than take a break from my writing. There's also the fact that the very first year of any course normally is the one to iron out any problems that may arise - it'll probably be better to wait for the second intake, so there will, hopefully, be a smoother ride for the U300 course!
I'm also looking forward to doing A215 as my daughter will be joining me, along with a fellow student who's already my study-buddy, so we'll already have a mini-support group started - it should be fun, and we'll all hopefully be able to bounce ideas off each other. It will also be a balm, as my daughter is due to be moving from here in Wales over to Bristol, where most of her friends now live, at around about august time, so our contact via the O.U., and the course, will be all the more precious to me.
I guess that's the problem when you only have one chick - it makes it harder to see her move so far away, especially as I've been spoilt with being able to meet up a couple of times a week with her living nearby - but she's going to be having a lot more fun in Bristol, with many more opportunities for work and play than hereabouts, so I'm all for her making the move for her own sake!
Note to self: Listen to your own words of advice to said daughter, and realise that the phone, internet, and rail travel means distance is no object nowadays!