Thursday, September 23, 2010

Almost at the starting post . . .

In a matter of days I'll be starting EA300 officially, although I have made a head start of week one's activities. I've also been told who my tutor is and, as luck would have it, she's my previous tutor, so I'm happy to know that I'm in capable hands :)

I've glanced through most of the course books and, while a bit apprehensive at doing a 'proper' Lit course again, I'm hoping that I'll get back into the groove of essay writing quite quickly. I hope I will, anyway! {grin}

I've thoroughly enjoyed reading all the books from the list, although I've still to read Swallows and Amazons, and also Treasure Island, but I'll be able to do that in plenty of time for the start date, so I'm not worried about it.

One thing that upsets me a little, is that we haven't got a proper tutor forum on First Class any more :( 

The Open University, in their not-so-infinite wisdom, have decided it costs too much, and we are all being switched over to Moodle for our course forums - a rather clunky way of doing things, and I'm afraid we'll be losing all those social forums that have kept us all in touch with each other, despite the distance between us all - a bad move on the O.U's part, I feel, as they were the equivalent of a brick Uni's social club, and were a great appeal to so many students stuck at home in lonely solitude.

I guess time will tell whether it is a good thing or not - though I really do suspect not . . .