Saturday, November 20, 2010

The results came in . . .

Due to being terribly busy with my course work, it's been a while since I came to my blog, and I realised that I hadn't posted my TMA01 results.

I got them back two weeks after the cut-off date and, for the first time since I became a student with the Open University, I was terribly disappointed with the results.

I had got 64% - the lowest ever for me - and it was a good few hours before I got over the disappointment - mainly due to good friends telling me off for trying to be such a perfectionist, both because of my state of health, and because this is a level 3 course and, apparently, for the first TMA, this was a fairly good result!

It just goes to show, how habit has a way of ruling your life, because, throughout my education while growing up, I was always a straight-A student, and the limits my bad health have put on me now are things I rail against fervently!
I could cry at times when I think of how sharp my mind was, how good my memory and, now, through illness and medication taken, I feel as if I have been robbed of something special, something that was an intrinsic part of who I am.
(Sorry folks, I'm over my winging fit now {grin})

Anyhoo, as I was saying, I've been really busy since I sent in my first TMA, and it has been a bit of a shock at just how much I'm having to read for this course - this not being helped by the fact that I fall asleep at the drop of a hat, so I find myself having to re-read what I've already done, just to remember what it was! 
Veeery frustrating! Lol 

But, despite all that, I'm actually enjoying this course much more than I thought I would, despite the fact that there's just so many critics to read, understand, absorb, and comment on! :)

My mantra has become, 'I know I can do it, I'm sure I can do it, I will do it!'