Friday, June 08, 2012

And it's all over . . .

That's it. The end.

I sent off my very last EMA, a 3,000-word essay, where I had to choose 2 texts, using no more than 500 words between them, and then find the creativity and literariness within them, using at least two of the theorists from each part of the module, using 3,000 words, with a 10% leeway.

I managed it in 3,259 words of complete and utter waffle, but at least I managed to mention the more major theorists, along with their theories!

It wasn't my best essay of the module, but I don't think it was my worst, either. But I guess I'll find out in August, when our results come back, as to whether I've passed or failed. It won't be my tutor marking them, but someone else, who won't know me, my style of writing, or the health problems I've had throughout the module, so I'm just hoping I've done enough, even if it's just to get a bare pass! 

If I've failed, then I'll be offered another chance to sit it, which I'm hoping and praying isn't the case.

If I've passed, then it means I'll be the proud owner of a BA (Hons) Literature with Creative Writing.

I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do with myself after 6 years with the Open University. It's going to be very strange, not to be constantly surrounded by piles of course books, paper, files, and the odd sweet wrapper (study has always driven me to snacking).

But at least I'll be able to start tackling the ever-increasing pile of novels waiting to be read :)

Tuesday, June 05, 2012

I'm almost at the finishing line . . . . .

I'm coming towards the end of my Open University life now, so there will probably be changes to both title, and contents, of this Blog, once I've been presented with my degree. I'll keep you all posted though, to let you know when :)

 . . . and I'm really, really, having a difficult time getting there!

I have exactly 48 hours to go, with this painfully short time being all that I have left, as I need to write my very last, and final, end-of-module essay!

I have to admit that I'm struggling so very badly at the moment, and I think I'll be ending up sending in an uncompleted essay :(

Because we've been doing the course from TMA to TMA, I had forgotten the sheer amount of theorists, and their theories, that there actually was, and so now, when I need to be clear about who I need to use, and who not, in my essay, it's all about as clear as mud :(

I've spent every minute awake over the last week or so, trawling through the multitude of module books, trying to search out all the elusive and pungent quotes needed to get anything like a pass for this. 

I'm now at 2,296 words, out of 3,000, and I've barely made a start on the analysis of my first text choice! Because of this, I know that, even if by some miracle, I complete the EMA, it's going to take me hours to edit it back enough to keep within the word-count which, with the 10% lee-way, gives me 3,300 words to write.

I'm just hoping and, frankly, praying, that I manage to stay awake long enough to do this! Mind you, because of all the stress, I'm in so much pain right now, I've been kept awake for the last 24 hours - I just hope it lasts until the essay is done, because at least then, it won't matter if I collapse for a few weeks!

So, in the meantime, I've just finished another blog of mine and, once I've sent this one, I'll have to stop procrastinating, and get back to the grind!

Thank you Jehovah God, that it's almost over :(