Because my pen-pal is within the prison system in the USA, I won't give any details about him, but I will be using some of the thankful points I'd written to him, in my Thankful list today, as there really is a lot I'm thankful for in having got to know somebody who is living in a worse situation than my own.
I won't go into the reasons, or the moral issues, of his situation, as they are between him and God but, because of a strange quirk of fate, we were connected, and I've gained much insight, and felt much compassion, for everyone who might be in his situation - the phrase 'there, but for the grace of God, go I', always comes to mind when I read his letters.
So, here is my 5th week of Thankfuls:
1. I'm thankful for
my step-daughter, who has honoured me with the title of Grandma, even though
she has her own mother to fulfil that role.
2. I'm thankful for
the gift of being taught how to type - so many years ago now - as it enables me to
keep in contact with everyone I know, without going through all the pain I feel
when I try to write with pen and paper.
3. I'm also thankful
to the Open University, who provided me with the software that allows me to
talk to my laptop when my hands won’t do as they’re told!
4. I'm thankful for
the gift of patience – a lesson in life I needed to learn, in order that I
could then understand the problems that other people have in life.
5. I'm thankful for
the many gifts of friendship I've been given, as friendship is such a precious commodity in our day and age, and it’s
something that I treasure all the more as I get to know all of my friends
around the world.
6. I'm thankful
every day that I have the freedom to
be able to keep in contact
with my friends, wherever they are in the world.
7. I'm thankful that
I saw an article in one of my course books while I was studying, as it made me
aware of the desperate need of pen-pals within the prison system, and then led,
eventually, to me coming into contact with my new pen-pal.
8. I'm so thankful to God
that He gave me life, as this is a precious thing - even when things are so bad
that I don’t know how to go on.
9. I'm thankful for
God’s forgiving spirit, and that he loves us all so much that he was willing to
allow his only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to sacrifice himself for our sins –
and that, through acts of genuine repentance, we are freely forgiven of those
10. I'm so very thankful for the gift of prayer,
that I can speak to Jehovah
God about
anything in life that bothers me - or that
makes me
glad – and to know that, no
matter what I ask of Him, He will listen
to me, and answer my prayers,
when those answers are ones I don't
expect - or if the answer isn't the one
I was waiting for!
So, these are this week's list of my thankfuls - and if you feel like joining in, please click on the following, and it will take you to one of the brilliant organisers of this hop, where you can then join in with this merry band of people, who find the Thankful in everything they do, or are: