Well I don't know - I'd just got into my new course, when I ended up ill in bed for eight days!
It drives me nuts when my health lets me down, but it's certainly teaching me patience :o((
I'm very slightly behind in my course work, but I'm gradually catching up again. I'm quite enjoying the stuff we're working on - the texts we're using for the coursework are all from the mid-Victorian era, Charles Dickens being one of them - and I've found it fascinating (and sometimes infuriating) to read the attitudes of the day towards the working classes, and especially women and their so-called role in life (grrrrr).
Don't get me wrong, I'm not a bra-burner by any means (not with my bust anyway! lol), but the way women were treated was appalling - no rights to anything, and belonging to either their fathers or husbands - it seems unbelievable that they could put up with it for so long - no wonder they rebelled!
The whole point of the studying, is so that I get to practise writing academic essays properly, and it's been a bit of an eye-opener for me at that!
I did all this stuff when I was at school, but that was 20-odd years ago, and I'd forgotten so much of it it's frightening.
I'm glad I enrolled for this course now - I've a feeling I'm really going to need it. :o))
Ah well! I guess I'd better get back to the drawing board, and get on with my studying - talk to you again soon!
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Monday, November 13, 2006
On, on with A172!
Well, my new 10-pointer course has started - and a great time was had by all! lol
No, seriously, the course looks prety good, with me having to do a series of activities, which are all designed to bolster my knowledge of essay writing - and I'm enjoying them so far.
The course is divided into 5 blocks of two weeks, with two separate weeks reserved for the 2 TMA's I need to do to pass the course, so it's all relatively straightforward! :~))
My daughter started at the same time as myself, although she's in a different tutorial group - but we've decided to be study-buddies, which is fine as we don't live in the same house - and there will definately be no cheating with me being a Witness! lol
Talking of which, I spent a great weekend, 4th & 5th Nov., at Fishguard, for one of our two-day assemblies - it was the best one yet for me, being the first anniversary of my very first assembly, but rather nerve-wracking as I was on the platform giving my experience of becoming a Jehovah's Witness. Everyone was very kind, as they always are, and there was another Baptism, so we have a new sister in our congregation - she was welcomed as much as I had been in March - it was lovely to see
Well, I guess I'd better get back to the drawing board, and get on with my OU work - it's amazing the things we all find to do as study-avoidance, isn't it? lol
No, seriously, the course looks prety good, with me having to do a series of activities, which are all designed to bolster my knowledge of essay writing - and I'm enjoying them so far.
The course is divided into 5 blocks of two weeks, with two separate weeks reserved for the 2 TMA's I need to do to pass the course, so it's all relatively straightforward! :~))
My daughter started at the same time as myself, although she's in a different tutorial group - but we've decided to be study-buddies, which is fine as we don't live in the same house - and there will definately be no cheating with me being a Witness! lol
Talking of which, I spent a great weekend, 4th & 5th Nov., at Fishguard, for one of our two-day assemblies - it was the best one yet for me, being the first anniversary of my very first assembly, but rather nerve-wracking as I was on the platform giving my experience of becoming a Jehovah's Witness. Everyone was very kind, as they always are, and there was another Baptism, so we have a new sister in our congregation - she was welcomed as much as I had been in March - it was lovely to see
Well, I guess I'd better get back to the drawing board, and get on with my OU work - it's amazing the things we all find to do as study-avoidance, isn't it? lol
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
It's driving me nuts hanging around waiting for my next course to start, so I decided to write some poetry to keep myself amused.
It's something I've always done as a way of expressing myself, so I thought I'd put an example on here. I don't know if you will enjoy reading it, but I thought I'd give it a whirl! lol
When you think of me -
think no sad thoughts.
Our love throughout the years
built up, to store
in our hearts.
So, when we part at last -
as all frail mortals do -
look upon our Golden years,
and live them joyfully -
When loneliness creeps in -
take out your memories of me -
good and bad, happy and sad,
and laugh once again -
with me.
If I am in your heart -
as much as you are in mine,
you will never be alone.
It's something I've always done as a way of expressing myself, so I thought I'd put an example on here. I don't know if you will enjoy reading it, but I thought I'd give it a whirl! lol
When you think of me -
think no sad thoughts.
Our love throughout the years
built up, to store
in our hearts.
So, when we part at last -
as all frail mortals do -
look upon our Golden years,
and live them joyfully -
When loneliness creeps in -
take out your memories of me -
good and bad, happy and sad,
and laugh once again -
with me.
If I am in your heart -
as much as you are in mine,
you will never be alone.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
My 08 Results Are In!
Well, I got my 08 results!
I got a healthy 61% - which was a lot more than I thought I'd get, quite frankly. :~D
As soon as I'd got it out of the way, I did some revision for the 09 'e**m', then took the bull by the horns and went ahead and did it! (gulp)
The only problem with that, is that it won't be until December that I learn whether I passed or not. :~((
In the meantime, I'm twirling my thumbs, waiting for my winter 10-pointer to start (ho-hum).
One thing about the new course (A172: Writing Essays), is that my daughter has signed up to do it as well, so we can be study-buddies. I only think it fair that she get the OU study bug, as it was she who had persauded me to start with the OU in the first place!
Well, on with my Bible Study work - at least that never runs out! lol
I got a healthy 61% - which was a lot more than I thought I'd get, quite frankly. :~D
As soon as I'd got it out of the way, I did some revision for the 09 'e**m', then took the bull by the horns and went ahead and did it! (gulp)
The only problem with that, is that it won't be until December that I learn whether I passed or not. :~((
In the meantime, I'm twirling my thumbs, waiting for my winter 10-pointer to start (ho-hum).
One thing about the new course (A172: Writing Essays), is that my daughter has signed up to do it as well, so we can be study-buddies. I only think it fair that she get the OU study bug, as it was she who had persauded me to start with the OU in the first place!
Well, on with my Bible Study work - at least that never runs out! lol
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Sorry, had to get that out of my system. lol
Got my 07 marks back- and they're my best ones yet! 72%
I never expected to get that sort of mark, but it has certainly given me a boost - and reaffirmed my decision to do English Lit & Language!
I've now started on Block 6 - The Sixties, and, although I was born in 61, and only have a child's-eye-view of events, it didn't seem the way this Block has been written!
I'm quite disappointed that the writers of the block have made it so dry and dusty, with the music section having some of the worst selection of 60's music they could have chosen!
I'm not sure how well I'll do for this, as I've no real interest in it - although the science section is quite interesting, especially the section on thalidomide. But I'll do my best, as I always do, and let you know how it goes on.
It has to be in by15th September, so it gives me a few weeks to pull my hair out while trying to get a decent essay together. At least we've been given 2000 words this time! 8~))
Once I've finished this TMA, it's onto my final one - 09 - which will be done as if I'm taking a final exam - but I'll cross that bridge as I come to it!
I'll let you know how I get on with 08 first. :~}}
Sorry, had to get that out of my system. lol
Got my 07 marks back- and they're my best ones yet! 72%
I never expected to get that sort of mark, but it has certainly given me a boost - and reaffirmed my decision to do English Lit & Language!
I've now started on Block 6 - The Sixties, and, although I was born in 61, and only have a child's-eye-view of events, it didn't seem the way this Block has been written!
I'm quite disappointed that the writers of the block have made it so dry and dusty, with the music section having some of the worst selection of 60's music they could have chosen!
I'm not sure how well I'll do for this, as I've no real interest in it - although the science section is quite interesting, especially the section on thalidomide. But I'll do my best, as I always do, and let you know how it goes on.
It has to be in by15th September, so it gives me a few weeks to pull my hair out while trying to get a decent essay together. At least we've been given 2000 words this time! 8~))
Once I've finished this TMA, it's onto my final one - 09 - which will be done as if I'm taking a final exam - but I'll cross that bridge as I come to it!
I'll let you know how I get on with 08 first. :~}}
Monday, July 31, 2006
TMA07 - A Literary Treat!
I've been reading, reading, reading this last month - what bliss! lol
For this TMA we had to read Pygmalion by G. Bernard Shaw, Medea by Euripedes, Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys, and listen to Don Juan! 8~})
I thoroughly enjoyed Pygmalion - much prefering the original version to the film 'My Fair Lady', but got a bit fed up with Eliza's whinging at the begining. Medea was amazing - I know Euripedes wrote her as a child-killer, but I discovered that this wasn't in the original Myth - but I loved the whole play. I have to confess to a sneaking admiration for Medea - she was passionate, and vengeful, but you've got to admire her backbone in getting back at those who 'done her wrong.' lol
Wide Sargasso Sea was a strange one! I enjoyed the supposed history of how He Who Must Not Be named ended up locking his wife in the attic in 'Jane Eyre', but I had no sympathy for any of the main characters, but was very taken with Christophine, the ex-slave, and all-round organiser of everyone.
I haven't even listened to Don Juan as yet - I didn't plan on doing it for this TMA and, as it happens, my health has been bad this last few weeks, so I've run out of time if I want to get my TMA done in time!!
For this TMA, we have to choose two characters, from different books/plays/music, and compare the means from which they have been constructed/developed.
I chose Medea and Christophine, although I'll probably regret the second choice, as there's more inference than fact in the novel about her - but, hey! that's what the learning thing's about, isn't it?
Much as I love reading, I don't hold out much hope of getting a good score for this one - it's been 26 years since I did anything at all similar to this, and I don't seem to be the only one who doesn't even understand the question, let alone know how to write the answer. Even with my Tutor's advice, I can't seem to get it right, and I've written out the essay 5 times already! lol
It hasn't helped that, once again, we only have 1500 words to do it all in - it's quite funny really, when we started I thought that I'd never be able to find 600 words to complete an assignment, and here i am, bemoaning the fact that 1500 isn't enough! :o))
I'll let you know how I get on with my score - it's got to be in by 11th August, so I should know a week or so after that!
The next TMA after this will be about the 60's - I was born in 61, so this should be interesting!
I've spent a lot of time in bed for the last few weeks - with my poor old legs and feet all swollen because of this heat - I'm not keen on rain, but it's such a relief from the intense heat we've had, although my hubby says the long-term forecast for August is predicting even more heat! :~((
Talk to you again soon!
For this TMA we had to read Pygmalion by G. Bernard Shaw, Medea by Euripedes, Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys, and listen to Don Juan! 8~})
I thoroughly enjoyed Pygmalion - much prefering the original version to the film 'My Fair Lady', but got a bit fed up with Eliza's whinging at the begining. Medea was amazing - I know Euripedes wrote her as a child-killer, but I discovered that this wasn't in the original Myth - but I loved the whole play. I have to confess to a sneaking admiration for Medea - she was passionate, and vengeful, but you've got to admire her backbone in getting back at those who 'done her wrong.' lol
Wide Sargasso Sea was a strange one! I enjoyed the supposed history of how He Who Must Not Be named ended up locking his wife in the attic in 'Jane Eyre', but I had no sympathy for any of the main characters, but was very taken with Christophine, the ex-slave, and all-round organiser of everyone.
I haven't even listened to Don Juan as yet - I didn't plan on doing it for this TMA and, as it happens, my health has been bad this last few weeks, so I've run out of time if I want to get my TMA done in time!!
For this TMA, we have to choose two characters, from different books/plays/music, and compare the means from which they have been constructed/developed.
I chose Medea and Christophine, although I'll probably regret the second choice, as there's more inference than fact in the novel about her - but, hey! that's what the learning thing's about, isn't it?
Much as I love reading, I don't hold out much hope of getting a good score for this one - it's been 26 years since I did anything at all similar to this, and I don't seem to be the only one who doesn't even understand the question, let alone know how to write the answer. Even with my Tutor's advice, I can't seem to get it right, and I've written out the essay 5 times already! lol
It hasn't helped that, once again, we only have 1500 words to do it all in - it's quite funny really, when we started I thought that I'd never be able to find 600 words to complete an assignment, and here i am, bemoaning the fact that 1500 isn't enough! :o))
I'll let you know how I get on with my score - it's got to be in by 11th August, so I should know a week or so after that!
The next TMA after this will be about the 60's - I was born in 61, so this should be interesting!
I've spent a lot of time in bed for the last few weeks - with my poor old legs and feet all swollen because of this heat - I'm not keen on rain, but it's such a relief from the intense heat we've had, although my hubby says the long-term forecast for August is predicting even more heat! :~((
Talk to you again soon!
Friday, July 14, 2006
A Thumbs Down for TMA 06!
I had my 06 results back - and they were my worst ones yet! That'll teach me to try and be clever! lol
I had to use Ninian Smart's 7-point system to test something to see if it could be classed as a religion - and I decided to be tongue-in-cheek, and use Bingo as an example! (After all, I know many people who treat it as if it were their personal religion! lol)
I did well on this, marks-wise, but I didn't allow myself enough words to explain what could be used instead of the Smart points system - we had to do it in 1500 words - and this is what let me down! I always was too gabby with words!
What I am keeping in mind, is that I still passed comfortably and, with A103, the mantra among us students is 'A Pass Is A Pass Is A Pass!' lol
On a different note, I spent 3 days in the Millenium Stadeum in Cardiff, on the last weekend of June. It was our annual Convention for Jehovah's Witnesses, titled 'Deliverance at Hand!' and we had a fantastic time - 3 days of spiritual food from the Bible, with 39 new brothers and sisters Baptised, and a great Drama on Sunday afternoon to top it off! (Note to self: I must try and find out how they managed to stage the splitting of the altar!)
It was the first Convention I've been to since becoming a Witness and, for someone who finds a village too busy for me at times, I had expected to be very nervous but, with 10,400 Witnesses sat all around me, I felt absolutely fantastic!
The atmosphere was absolutely amazing and, with the roof closed due to a malfunction, which kept us lovely and cool as the weather was scorching hot, the sound of 10,000-odd people singing was brilliant! (And not a swear-word sounded!)
It certainly beat football anthems, I can tell you! lol
Well, I had better get on with my reading for TMA 07 - I'm studying Pygmalion, Medea, Don Juan and Wide Sargasso Sea at the moment (well, I'm actually writing this - I'm supposed to be studying! lol)
This is what's commonly called 'TMA avoidance' - Bye for now - talk to you again! lol
I had to use Ninian Smart's 7-point system to test something to see if it could be classed as a religion - and I decided to be tongue-in-cheek, and use Bingo as an example! (After all, I know many people who treat it as if it were their personal religion! lol)
I did well on this, marks-wise, but I didn't allow myself enough words to explain what could be used instead of the Smart points system - we had to do it in 1500 words - and this is what let me down! I always was too gabby with words!
What I am keeping in mind, is that I still passed comfortably and, with A103, the mantra among us students is 'A Pass Is A Pass Is A Pass!' lol
On a different note, I spent 3 days in the Millenium Stadeum in Cardiff, on the last weekend of June. It was our annual Convention for Jehovah's Witnesses, titled 'Deliverance at Hand!' and we had a fantastic time - 3 days of spiritual food from the Bible, with 39 new brothers and sisters Baptised, and a great Drama on Sunday afternoon to top it off! (Note to self: I must try and find out how they managed to stage the splitting of the altar!)
It was the first Convention I've been to since becoming a Witness and, for someone who finds a village too busy for me at times, I had expected to be very nervous but, with 10,400 Witnesses sat all around me, I felt absolutely fantastic!
The atmosphere was absolutely amazing and, with the roof closed due to a malfunction, which kept us lovely and cool as the weather was scorching hot, the sound of 10,000-odd people singing was brilliant! (And not a swear-word sounded!)
It certainly beat football anthems, I can tell you! lol
Well, I had better get on with my reading for TMA 07 - I'm studying Pygmalion, Medea, Don Juan and Wide Sargasso Sea at the moment (well, I'm actually writing this - I'm supposed to be studying! lol)
This is what's commonly called 'TMA avoidance' - Bye for now - talk to you again! lol
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Further Ferret Furores!
Would you believe it - Holly and Bramble are back in season!
We were kind-of expecting it, but not quite this soon! lol
I read somewhere that if you put females together for any space of time, then their estrous cycles synchronize and, apparently, this happens whatever type of mammal it is (coming from a household of five sisters and a mum - I can believe this!).
So, it'll be back to the vasectomised Hob again - my girls are going on holiday (they've already started packing their bikinis!) lol
I've just finished the first draft of my TMA 06 - and thoroughly enjoyed doing it - although I don't think I'll get as good marks this time, as we had to choose a subject to put against Ninian Smart's seven-dimensional model for Religion - and I've chosen something that's a bit tongue-in-cheek to assess against the model.
I won't say what it is yet - but I'll let you know after my results come back for it!
We were kind-of expecting it, but not quite this soon! lol
I read somewhere that if you put females together for any space of time, then their estrous cycles synchronize and, apparently, this happens whatever type of mammal it is (coming from a household of five sisters and a mum - I can believe this!).
So, it'll be back to the vasectomised Hob again - my girls are going on holiday (they've already started packing their bikinis!) lol
I've just finished the first draft of my TMA 06 - and thoroughly enjoyed doing it - although I don't think I'll get as good marks this time, as we had to choose a subject to put against Ninian Smart's seven-dimensional model for Religion - and I've chosen something that's a bit tongue-in-cheek to assess against the model.
I won't say what it is yet - but I'll let you know after my results come back for it!
Sunday, May 28, 2006
TMA 05 Returned!
I got my TMA results back today - 67%! I am sooooo pleased, 'cos I thought I'd done really bad on this one.
I've been feeling pretty ill recently, and I couldn't concentrate very well while I was doing this, so to get this result (which is more than my first TMA), was really encouraging!
My tutor sent me a lovely email, as I had started to worry that everyone else was more sophisticated in their style of answering the questions than good-old plain me - but she reassured me that my marks are above the average, and that my answers are fine - I really must get over trying to compare my work with others in that way - we all have out own individual abilities!
I've just been through the painful process of having Cortozone injections in both wrists, as I've got Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in them (along with Arthritis and Fibromyalgia) and, although it was agony at first, there has definately been an improvement - my hands have hardly gone numb since.
My Doc's arranged for me to see a Neurologist (a wait of 26 months, I've just been informed), then after that it'll be decided on whether to operate on my wrists - I just pray there isn't a need, as I've had more ops in my life than I care to think of!
I'm waiting at the moment for a lot of equipment that i've been fortunate to be awarded - it will help me with my studying, as i'm finding it very hard to cope. I'm getting a speech programme called Dragon that will mean that i'm not typing so much - which will rest my poor, abused hands and wrists (I hope).
I've missed a couple of my meetings at the Kingdom Hall these last couple of weeks - my health has been up and down - and I have really missed the love and fellowship I find there, although my sisters have phoned, and offered their help and love, so it hasn't been as bad as it could have been!
On a lighter note, bob's Ferrets have been driving him potty! The Jills were mated with a vasectomised Hob, and one of them is going through a phantom pregnancy - she spends her whole time dragging the other Jill into the bedding area of their hutch, and trying to treat her like a newborn. It's so funny to see, althoughI think Bramble has had enough of it now, and has started objecting quite forcefully!
Bob keeps them separate as much as possible now, and will do until Holly realises she's not pregnant! lol
I've been feeling pretty ill recently, and I couldn't concentrate very well while I was doing this, so to get this result (which is more than my first TMA), was really encouraging!
My tutor sent me a lovely email, as I had started to worry that everyone else was more sophisticated in their style of answering the questions than good-old plain me - but she reassured me that my marks are above the average, and that my answers are fine - I really must get over trying to compare my work with others in that way - we all have out own individual abilities!
I've just been through the painful process of having Cortozone injections in both wrists, as I've got Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in them (along with Arthritis and Fibromyalgia) and, although it was agony at first, there has definately been an improvement - my hands have hardly gone numb since.
My Doc's arranged for me to see a Neurologist (a wait of 26 months, I've just been informed), then after that it'll be decided on whether to operate on my wrists - I just pray there isn't a need, as I've had more ops in my life than I care to think of!
I'm waiting at the moment for a lot of equipment that i've been fortunate to be awarded - it will help me with my studying, as i'm finding it very hard to cope. I'm getting a speech programme called Dragon that will mean that i'm not typing so much - which will rest my poor, abused hands and wrists (I hope).
I've missed a couple of my meetings at the Kingdom Hall these last couple of weeks - my health has been up and down - and I have really missed the love and fellowship I find there, although my sisters have phoned, and offered their help and love, so it hasn't been as bad as it could have been!
On a lighter note, bob's Ferrets have been driving him potty! The Jills were mated with a vasectomised Hob, and one of them is going through a phantom pregnancy - she spends her whole time dragging the other Jill into the bedding area of their hutch, and trying to treat her like a newborn. It's so funny to see, althoughI think Bramble has had enough of it now, and has started objecting quite forcefully!
Bob keeps them separate as much as possible now, and will do until Holly realises she's not pregnant! lol
Friday, May 19, 2006
Half-way there, and getting into the swing!
Well, I've just completed TMA 05, and sent it off to be marked!
I am so glad to get that out of the way, as we were dealing with Rousseau once again - I have the feeling I'm gonna be haunted by that man! lol
On a brighter note, I've just started reading for my next TMA, with the subjects being Religion and History of Science - much more down my street!
I've been learning a little about various faiths, and it's amazed me just how similar in some respects that we all are in our beliefs - there are some very wide differences as well but, at the heart of it all, we are all searching for a path towards a relationship with God, whatever we call him.
I spent most of yesterday trying to watch a DVD that I needed to see for my new Block, only to discover that I'd inadvertantly wiped out a necessary file! Grrrr - but a good samaritan helped me, in the form of a lovely seller on eBay, who guided this techie-dunce through the convoluted process of replacing said file!
I watched the DVD - then treated myself with watching The Chronicles of Narnia - a real treat, and well worth the watching!
I am so glad to get that out of the way, as we were dealing with Rousseau once again - I have the feeling I'm gonna be haunted by that man! lol
On a brighter note, I've just started reading for my next TMA, with the subjects being Religion and History of Science - much more down my street!
I've been learning a little about various faiths, and it's amazed me just how similar in some respects that we all are in our beliefs - there are some very wide differences as well but, at the heart of it all, we are all searching for a path towards a relationship with God, whatever we call him.
I spent most of yesterday trying to watch a DVD that I needed to see for my new Block, only to discover that I'd inadvertantly wiped out a necessary file! Grrrr - but a good samaritan helped me, in the form of a lovely seller on eBay, who guided this techie-dunce through the convoluted process of replacing said file!
I watched the DVD - then treated myself with watching The Chronicles of Narnia - a real treat, and well worth the watching!
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Hitting a brick wall!
I'm having a real job getting on with Block 3 of my course!
It's supposed to be about Primary Sources, and Witting & Unwitting testimony, and we've been given a ton of information about the French Revolution to learn and practise on.
The trouble I'm having, is the fact that I've never had to do anything like this before, and I'm having a real job trying to seperate the facts of the Revolution from the clever stuff in sourcing!
I got to the point where I had to send out a cry of help to my tutor, who is away on holiday at the moment!
I'm very fortunate in having a caring & considerate tutor, who happily got in touch with me with reassurance and advice, so I'm hopeful that, after our scheduled tutorial on friday, I'll be able to get on with this block, & then onwards to the next!
Here's hoping! lol
It's supposed to be about Primary Sources, and Witting & Unwitting testimony, and we've been given a ton of information about the French Revolution to learn and practise on.
The trouble I'm having, is the fact that I've never had to do anything like this before, and I'm having a real job trying to seperate the facts of the Revolution from the clever stuff in sourcing!
I got to the point where I had to send out a cry of help to my tutor, who is away on holiday at the moment!
I'm very fortunate in having a caring & considerate tutor, who happily got in touch with me with reassurance and advice, so I'm hopeful that, after our scheduled tutorial on friday, I'll be able to get on with this block, & then onwards to the next!
Here's hoping! lol
Tuesday, March 07, 2006

This is my first time attempting to do a BA as a student at the O.U., and at attempting to write a blog! (gulp).
After 25 years of nothingness, I decided to fire up a few of the 'old grey cells', and attempt a course at the O.U. - and was I glad I did!
I have been amazed at how much I had forgotten about everything since leaving school, and came to my first 10-pointer course with much trepidation - only to find how much learning was a delight to me!
I have completed the A174: Start Writing Fiction, which I got a very healthy pass on (thankfully!), and also the A175: Start Writing Poetry (also a good pass), which I thoroughly enjoyed!
I am now attempting a 'proper' 60-pointer, the A(ZX)103: An Introduction to the Humanities, where I have been quickly introduced to the 'delights' of Art History (which I enjoyed), Sonnets (which I loved), Music (loved the sound, hated the analysis), and Philopastry (oops! Philosophy!), which I managed to get my head around after a few false starts.
My next Block will be all about the Collosium, so I'm sort-of looking forward to it, as I've always been fascinated with the romans - well, we'll see how this goes!
I'll let you all know how I get on.
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