I've been reading, reading, reading this last month - what bliss! lol
For this TMA we had to read Pygmalion by G. Bernard Shaw, Medea by Euripedes, Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys, and listen to Don Juan! 8~})
I thoroughly enjoyed Pygmalion - much prefering the original version to the film 'My Fair Lady', but got a bit fed up with Eliza's whinging at the begining. Medea was amazing - I know Euripedes wrote her as a child-killer, but I discovered that this wasn't in the original Myth - but I loved the whole play. I have to confess to a sneaking admiration for Medea - she was passionate, and vengeful, but you've got to admire her backbone in getting back at those who 'done her wrong.' lol
Wide Sargasso Sea was a strange one! I enjoyed the supposed history of how He Who Must Not Be named ended up locking his wife in the attic in 'Jane Eyre', but I had no sympathy for any of the main characters, but was very taken with Christophine, the ex-slave, and all-round organiser of everyone.
I haven't even listened to Don Juan as yet - I didn't plan on doing it for this TMA and, as it happens, my health has been bad this last few weeks, so I've run out of time if I want to get my TMA done in time!!
For this TMA, we have to choose two characters, from different books/plays/music, and compare the means from which they have been constructed/developed.
I chose Medea and Christophine, although I'll probably regret the second choice, as there's more inference than fact in the novel about her - but, hey! that's what the learning thing's about, isn't it?
Much as I love reading, I don't hold out much hope of getting a good score for this one - it's been 26 years since I did anything at all similar to this, and I don't seem to be the only one who doesn't even understand the question, let alone know how to write the answer. Even with my Tutor's advice, I can't seem to get it right, and I've written out the essay 5 times already! lol
It hasn't helped that, once again, we only have 1500 words to do it all in - it's quite funny really, when we started I thought that I'd never be able to find 600 words to complete an assignment, and here i am, bemoaning the fact that 1500 isn't enough! :o))
I'll let you know how I get on with my score - it's got to be in by 11th August, so I should know a week or so after that!
The next TMA after this will be about the 60's - I was born in 61, so this should be interesting!
I've spent a lot of time in bed for the last few weeks - with my poor old legs and feet all swollen because of this heat - I'm not keen on rain, but it's such a relief from the intense heat we've had, although my hubby says the long-term forecast for August is predicting even more heat! :~((
Talk to you again soon!
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