Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Government plan Grant cuts for students taking a second Degree course.

I signed a petition today, and it's not something that I do lightly, if at all, but I felt that this one needs all the support it can get, as the government are cutting back on helping with financing where a second degree is being retrained for, so it is something that can affect anybody who needs to retrain for a different job.
The details are as below, and I've included the link to get to the government petition site, so you can sign it if you feel that you can.
The petition runs until 10th November, 07.

We, the undersigned, petition the Prime Minister to reinstate support funding given to the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE).
More Details From Petition Ceator:
for universities offering courses to students taking equal or lower qualifications than they currently hold. We believe to remove all such funding will remove a vital source of retraining where the skills base has changed over the years and mean only the personally better funded students will have a chance to retrain. We also believe that this sudden funding change will be harmful to universities which are based around the ethos of retraining or continuing skill updates and should be reviewed under the premise of Life Long Learning.


Thanks to anyone who signs this, and supports the Life Long Learning of anyone who desires it - not just those who can afford it.

1 comment:

Austerity Britain said...

Hi Kat, I've just come across your blog as I was surfing the net, and what a surprise. I am also with the OU, and have a facebook group set up to register protest at the funding cut.

There's loads of info in there, and if you would like to, please join and add your name to the growing list.


That is the link to get there and the link to my blog is below, where I'm blogging about this issue.


Lovely to see your blog.