Well, it's day 18, and I've got to 36,984 words in my nano writing - which is a miracle, considering that I never thought I'd get to 10,000!
It's really amazed me just how much detail I can dredge up to fill the word-count monster, and I'm proud that it's all still making sense when I read it back (Yes, I know. We're not supposed to edit our work - but I just do it so automatically [pout]) lol
I've had a couple of bad days health-wise recently, as I managed to get to the cinema with a friend and my daughter - first to see Stardust, which was soooo funny, and a brilliant film to watch and then, a couple of days later, we got to see Beowolf, which has some really amazing scenes in it. I wasn't sure what to expect because the critics had been rubbishing it a bit - but I'm glad I ignored them, as the film was brilliant - a real feast for the eyes!
It would have been a lot more enjoyable for me though, if the cinema employees had helped me a bit.
The bad health was caused because I have great difficulty walking, and use a stick, and I had a long and steep flight of stairs to climb to get in to see the films, and I didn't find that easy, believe me. But it was only after I had been watched, struggling back down the dreaded stairs on the second time of going, that I was told that a side-door could have been used to allow me access to the interior stairs that were shallower, and a lot wider - far too late to prevent the damage I had already suffered, unfortunately!
It also didn't help that the cinema was freezing - they were really mean in not turning on the heating for the matinée performance of Beowolf we went to, probably because the theatre was only a quarter full - but this meant that, not only was I exhausted and in pain from the stairs, I then had to sit for two hours in a room so cold that I was feeling sick with it, especially on top of the pain of my earlier exertions so, by the time the film ended, I was not a happy girl - not a good experience!
The film was still brilliant, though! [grin]
My friend and daughter were angry with me that I hadn't told them how bad I was, but half the experience of going out somewhere, is the pleasure felt that others are enjoying themselves, and I would have hated to have spoilt their fun - they enjoyed it so much, that I thought the pain I was in afterwards was worth it.
I guess the enjoyment of the films outweighed the awful pain I ended up with, but I really think its about time that places like that adhered to the laws of the land, and made their places a lot more accessable and comfortable for disabled users, especially as I realised that, even though wheelchair users may have had access via the side door, if they had needed to use any of the facilities, then there is no way they could have done so - very bad!
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