I am so chuffed about it, as I had fully expected to barely scrape a pass with the state my health was in when I took the exam.
It has also given me a real confidence boost, as this is the first 'proper' exam I've taken since I left school - I don't include the AZX103 exam, as it wasn't taken under the usual exam strictures and, although a valid pass, it didn't feel the same as this one did when I took it.
Of the three questions, Q1, which dealt with plays, was my weakest point, and equivalent to a grade 3 - and it was here that I lost the points that would have given me a distinction. Q2, which dealt with literature, was a high grade 2 equivalent, which has pleased me no end, considering the work I put in on The Color Purple. Q3, which dealt with poetry, was my grade 1 mark, and I got an 'excellent' for all five points that we were marked for.
It showed me what didn't really surprise me - that poetry is my strongest point, followed on by literature, then drama lagging in last. The only thing I would have liked, would have been to get my actual exam paper, so that I could have seen where I had gone wrong or not - it would have helped me to focus more on what I need to strengthen up for next time!
But, all-in-all, I am amazingly happy with my results, and can now go forward with my next 10-pointer in February with a lot more confidence than I had been feeling!
That's two down, four more to go, on the road to my BA!
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