Monday, May 04, 2009

Preparing for TMA 05.

I've been reflecting on all that I've learned so far with this course, and am actually amazed at the depth and breadth of the things I have learned - about myself, my thought processes, and what I'm capable of writing with the right prompts.

I had many expectations on starting A215, and they have been met and, in some cases, exceeded, so I am starting on the processes of my last TMA with some sadness at the nearness of the end of this journey.

There is this TMA - which I have got in hand at last, after a frantic search online to find a suitable magazine with which to prepare a story for submission - and then there will be the final submission - our ECA, or end-of-course assessment, which is worth 50% of the complete course grades (a rather nerve-racking thought if I ponder on it too much!).

So, I am relishing the writing of my penultimate story - my very first sci-fi/fantasy story -and am savouring every day that I have to write it, then will get on with the commentary, where I need to explain the processes of my search for, and preparation of, the work for this suitable magazine. Once this is completed, I can then leave it to simmer for a while, so that I can go back to it with fresh eyes, and edit it as needed, until it is as professional as I can make it. I will then submit it, so I can turn my mind to the final ECA, which will take every bit of skill and learning for me to submit something worthy enough to get a decent grade.

I have enjoyed this process so much that, come October, I will be starting the Level 3 Creative Writing course - A363 -which, I am pleased to see, also has Radio, Film and Play writing among the things that I will be learning - something I'm looking forward to enormously, although with an inward tremour, as this will be my first Level 3 course, so I'm nervous of the level of writing expected of me!
But, whatever happens in my journey of exploring my own creativity, I can honestly say that I wouldn't have missed all of this for the world.


pinkgecko said...

Glad to see that someone else from the group is going on to A363 next year. I've downloaded the assessment calender. Would you like me to email you?

Ouch Potato said...

That would be fantastic if you can!
How'd you manage to get our assessment calendar so quickly?

pinkgecko said...

A bit of an admission here. It's last years calender. The assignment structure is different to say the least. Some are not graded or are purely giving feedback to other writers etc. The whole course builds towards the ECA rather than being stuck on at the end five minutes after the laSt TMA. I'm not panicking at all.

Ouch Potato said...

Lol. I'm not sure whether that last comment was ironic or not, but it sounds totally different to all we are used to - but I will not panic, I will not panic! {g}.