Friday, June 26, 2009

I heard from Iota . . .

but nothing earthshattering, I'm afraid. But they have accepted four of my poems for admittance to their poetry competition. I won't hear whether I've got anywhere until 2010, unfortunately, so I guess I'll have to learn a little patience :/

Still no word about my sci-fi story as yet, but I guess no news is good news - right?

I've been reading quite a few children's books recently. I know it's getting ahead of myself, but I'm planning on doing EA300: Children's Literature, in October, 2010, so I decided that, as I had some of the books already, I might as well gradually get the rest and read them ahead of time.
I received a lovely parcel from Amazon on monday, and it contained two of the books from the list:
Roll Of Thunder, Hear My Cry by M. Taylor - ISBN: 9780140366259
The Other Side of Truth by B. Naidoo - ISBN: 978014130476

With both books, I couldn't put them down from the first sentence to the last, and they both left me wanting more, so I shall be looking out for further books by two very talented writers!

With all the books, I plan on giving them a good read through, and then I'll read them again, marking out passages that I find significant, or moving etc., using post-its, as I'm anally retentive where writing in books is concerned - unless the book is created to be written in, of course! Lol
That way, I'm hoping that they will be reminers for me when I get to do all that studying for real next year and, with my memory nowadays, I'll need it!

1 comment:

pinkgecko said...

I'm busy reading all these at the moment too. I'm doing Children's Lit alongside A363 in October. It sounds like such an exciting course and is supposed to be a great continuation of the Child Development course I did a couple of years ago. Can't wait.