I feel so bad that I missed last weekend's TToT but, having had a couple of really bad weeks, healthwise, it just wasn't possible for me to come online and participate, unfortunately :(
Because hubby has been so marvelous in his care of me, though, I really feel that I should dedicate my 10 things of thankful to my him as, without all of his loving care, I wouldn't be doing it this weekend, either.
So without ado, here are my 10 things:
I'm thankful for such a loving husband, who has stood beside me for this last 30 years, through good times, and especially through the bad. It's our 30th wedding anniversary in October, and I can't believe so many years have flown by.
Signing the register, 8th October,1983 |
I'm thankful for the loving and dedicated father that my hubby is, and that he would walk on hot coals for both our daughter, and myself.
Brex born, 13th August, 1984 |
I'm thankful for hubby's great sense of humour, as it has been the difference between laughter and tears at times - and occasionally both, as I've cried tears of laughter more than a few times! :)
Messing around - as usual! Lol |
I'm thankful for his gentle, and humble, nature, and the way that he cares for everyone, and everything, to the very best of his abilities.
Looking after Holly & Bramble
I'm thankful for the amazing green thumb my hubby has, how he managed to shape the bit of field he divided off from it to be our garden - and the way he has made sure that there is always something lovely to see through our bedroom window, to cheer me up on my down days :)
In the garden, July, 2013 |
Side view of garden, July, 2013 |
I'm thankful for his gift of making friends so easily. Having always been the opposite to him, and finding it very hard to open up enough to make friends with people, my hubby has been very patiently guiding me over the last 30 years, and has brought me out of myself, and into the great world of friendships, extended families, and the best CĂ©ilidh's in Wales!
The Backroom Boys, @ our Summer Ceilidh |
I'm thankful for the way he has always helped around the house without hesitation or complaint, and especially the way he took over cooking and housework after I fell ill - all the more so as he could barely boil and egg at first :)
Spag Bol! Yummy |
I'm thankful for his love of nature, and his patience over the years as he taught this town girl how to see the most glorious gifts of God's creation.
Yellow Rose, blooming outside my bedroom window |
I'm thankful, too, that he brought our daughter up to fully appreciate all of God's creations - including spiders, unfortunately {shudders} :)
Brex's photo of Jiminy Cricket, our garden, 2010. |
Mostly, though, I thank God every day for the miracle of finding my heart's ease, and for knowing the instant I saw him, that he was the other half of my soul :)
Sorry you were not feeling well, but so glad you have such a loving and devoted husband. We have something in common.
...nice garden (and cool 'special effects' with the fog and everything... very English Country Garden)
...good with the appreciate living things, will give the spiders a pass... never have gotten on with them.
very nice looking food!
Hope you are (or will soon be) feeling better!
Mary: Yes, I know just how thankful I should be, and am, for having such a loving partner and friend :)
I sent your compliments to Bob, and he says it's actually a very Welsh garden! Lol
The fog came very quickly that day. It had been brilliant sunshine, and my daughter started to take pictures when a sea fog suddenly rolled in. We only live 1/2 a mile from the sea, so we've gotten used to this happening :)
Thank you both for your well wishes :)
what a beautiful list! You have to love such an adaptable soul... nurtures loved ones and animals, gardens and learned to cook...wow! the whole package! I hope you are recovering and gaining on your usual baseline...sending much peace and health your way.
What a beautiful, heartwarming tribute to the man who obviously loves you as much as you do him. When two people are right for each other they both grow and find ways to make it work, just as you have done. He does indeed sound like a treasure and so very much like my own Papa Bear. I have to wait until I was past fifty to finally meet my soul mate, the one God intended for me, how blessed you are to have shared all these years and made wonderful memories. I hope you shared this post with him, love shines in every line!
He is a really good man, and this is a wonderful ten things tribute!! Have a wonderful weekend!
Oh, Katy, I love to hear about married couples who so clearly adore each other.
I could not be more jealous of your garden. I have no idea how to do such things, and no time to learn just yet. Someday I will, and I will need some pointers from your husband!
I'm sorry you have been feeling so rotten lately. It's not the same around here without you.
Praying this week is better.
Love your garden, Katy! Just wanted to let you know that I have nominated you for a Leister Award. The details are up over at my blog, muddleheadedmamma.blogspot.com.au
Whoops, make that a Leibster Award - forgot the B!
What a sweet tribute to your husband! Your hubby has cultivated a truly lovely garden! Such a nice list! Congratulations on 30 years of marriage!
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